Answer to this Question

Answer provided 2/16/2005 11:59:30 AM

Q. I have a 3 year old bearded dragon (Louie). He has been healthy (and apparently ) happy until this week. He began "barking" this week when he puffed out (usually how he greets me when I get home to get him out of his cage/tank). He has been eating as usual - crickets, meal worms, and greens and drinking as usual. Last night when I got home he was lethargic and did not eat. This morning, I found him burrowed into the corner with his mouth full of the stratta that lines his tank and totally non=responsive. He is breathing very shallowly. His eyes are closed, but appear sunken. I washed the sand out as best I could and held him for a long time, but he does not seem to be responding at all. I am in great distress and don`t know what to do. There are no vets near to take him to. Can you help me?

A. Maybe he has a respiratory problem, try puting him out to have a sun bath as much as you can....

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thank you
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A. Click for the Answer

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Q. I have a 3 year old bearded dragon (Louie). He has been healthy (and apparently ) happy until this week. He began "barking" this week when he puffed out (usually how he greets me when I get home to get him out of his cage/tank). He has been eating as usual - crickets, meal worms, and greens and drinking as usual. Last night when I got home he was lethargic and did not eat. This morning, I found him burrowed into the corner with his mouth full of the stratta that lines his tank and totally non=responsive. He is breathing very shallowly. His eyes are closed, but appear sunken. I washed the sand out as best I could and held him for a long time, but he does not seem to be responding at all. I am in great distress and don`t know what to do. There are no vets near to take him to. Can you help me?
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Q. I have a Water Dragon and he hasn`t eaten more then 2 crickets in over 3 weeks now. It stopped eating when I moved him from his 70 galon glass aquarium to a much larger one that I built out of a dressor. The size of his new aquarium is approx. 5 ft (length) by 3.5 ft (height) by 1.5 ft (deep). The temperature in it ranges from 30 degrees on one side to 21 degrees on the other. At night it drops to about 19 degrees. My water dragon is still pretty young and is only 17 inches head to tail. I have tried everything to get him to eat inclluding a variety of different types of food (crickets, super worms, vegetables and fruits). I have even tried to force feed him but I was unable to get his mouth open because it is to small. What can I do... I am really concerned that he is going to die. He looks healthy still and does not appear to be losing any weight which I can`t understand. Can you help me????
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